Thursday, December 17, 2015

The beginning

Ever since the beginning of existence, humanity has sought after the elusive elixir of peace, happiness and tranquility. Its labours have been concerted towards carving a path and a destination towards unalloyed and permanent happiness, a divine purity of lifestyle and free-willed existence. Many have undertaken this arduous task and have either failed partially or miserably. The quest, however, has always held its allure. One accumulates material wealth, chases success and forges relationships to fill an unfillable void in this quest. This book   seeks to fill some voids, answer some of these uncertain certainties and voice unvoiced reflections. It talks about -a path that liberates and a path that   elevates.
This collection is an articulation of the nature of the quest  as well as of hurdles one encounters on the journey to the inscape; it is also an attempt to understand the nature of the unknown, the illusionary and the dazzling enigma we know as maya.
All articles and poems in this work are based on my personal experiences with   ‘truth’ as I have come to know it. My rolls and dips in the ocean of spirituality have brought me to the shores—of certainty, of peace and   true self hood
. This work is a humble endeavour to explain the nature of my journey. I will be happy if it shows ‘the light’ to others too.

I am but thy instrument.
